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Smart Contract and L1 Auditor specializing in Rust and Solidity projects. Wide experience in web2.


Cybersecurity expert with over six years of experience in the industry. Senior Blockchain Security Auditor at Oak Security. CEO at Monethic.

For two years associated with blockchain technology as a Smart Contract and L1 auditor. I have conducted over 30 audits of various protocols, mostly related to DeFi. I am specializing in the security of contracts written in Rust, such as CosmWasm, Substrate, Scrypto, NEAR or MultiversX (Elrond), as well as has a deep technical understanding of EVM and Solidity language.

I participated in assessments testing low-level aspects of blockchain technology, such as finality-proof verifications and serialization libraries.

I have wide experience in bridges auditing. Also, I have an experience in auditing L1 blockchains written in MOVE.

Before moving to web3, i was a Lead Security Researcher and Penetration Tester managing a team of engineers, specializing in Web Application, Red Team and Infrastructure testing. I am also experienced in low-level binary exploitation in both UNIX and Windows environments. Holder of OSCP and OSCE certificates.

Security portfolio


Stader Labs - SD Token Staking

Audit of Stader Labs protocol, limited to SD Token staking mechanism. Audited as part of the Halborn team.

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Astroport Concentrated Liq Pool-Injective Orderbook Integration

Audit of Astroport Passive Concentrated Liquidity pools with Injective exchange, enabling pools to provide liquidity not only as an AMM, but also as a maker in the Injective order book. Audited as a part of the Oak Security team.

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Brokkr Protocol - Delta Neutral

Audit of a Delta-neutral smart contract, being part of the Brokkr Protocol, which creates the sophisticated DeFi investment strategies. Audited as a part of the Halborn team.

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Osmosis Labs - Osmosis Transmuter

Audit of a contract responsible for interaction with the cosmwasmpool module (Osmosis), allowing for 1:1 swapping between multiple tokens with no fees. Audited as a part of the Oak Security team.

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Brokkr Protocol - Long Term Bonding

Audit of staking-v1 and vonding-v1 smart contracts, limited to the Long-Term Bonding functionality, being part of the Brokkr Protocol. Audited as part of the Halborn team.

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Stargaze Reserve Auctions

Audit of a protocol, allowing bidders to bid on NFTs with increasing value for a certain time duration. Audited as a part of the Oak Security Team.

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Calculated Finance

Audit of a protocol, which allows users to utilize dollar cost average strategies by creating vaults that automatically swap tokens at a specified frequency on the Osmosis DEX. Audited as a part of the Oak Security team.

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Hadron Labs Lido Satellite

Audit of a contract allowing users to mint canonical token factory tokens via sending bridged funds to the contract with ExecuteMsg::Mint. Audited as a part of the Oak Security team.

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SSZ serialization library - Rust

Serialization library responsible for generic types serialization and deserialization, written in Rust. Audited as a part of the Oak Security team.

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Astroport - Astral Assembly contracts

Audit of Astroport Astral Assembly Governance contract, which is a part of the main Astroport protocol. Audited as part of the Halborn team.

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