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Alex The Entreprenerd

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DeFi Developer, Security Researcher, Judge at Code4rena



  • Top 20 on Code4rena in 2023
  • Top 20 by earning on Sherlock
  • Top 150 on Immunefi
  • Cofounder of
  • First Place in Tapioca C4 Contest (3rd highest Contest Pot ever)
  • Multiple Top 5 Finishes on Liquity Fork Security Contests
  • Developer for eBTC and Yield Strategies for Badger
  • Multiple Hackathon Prize Wins (EthGlobal, theGraph, AAVE, Polygon, Badger)

Security Researcher

  • SR at Spearbit, 3 Security Reviews done
  • Judge at Code4rena, 26 contests judged (tied for first place)
  • Extensive experience in Modelling Economic Attacks against CDPs, LPs and Vaults


  • Lead Dev for Vaults 1.5 - Yield Farming Vaults with Analytics and different types of fees
  • Creator of the RewardsManager a generalized contract to release many to many rewards
  • Main Dev for bveCVX and bveAURA, most popular and most copied Tokenized Lockers
  • Creator of the BribesProcessor, a trust minimized way to perform onChain orders to Cowswap (way before Milkman)

Startup Experience

  • UI dev for Polymarket, helped them build their first 2 versions of the UI, leading to them raising $4M
  • Solo Developer for a Cannabis Delivery Startup (E-commerce, Order Backend, Shipping, Payments), that raised over $700k
  • Over 500 clients on Codementor

Recent engagements

Threshold USD

22 May 2023 - 09 Jun 2023

Velodrome Finance V2

07 Feb 2023 - 20 Feb 2023


Security portfolio


Top 3 - Ethos Reserve

Found multiple economic attacks as well as some unique issues regarding oracles and Yield Farming Strategies. Sent a 30+ points QA Report to help improve the project

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Code4rena Judge

26 Contests judged, tied for #1 most prolific judge

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Mathematical Modelling

I singlehandedly wrote my own Simulations for CDP systems as well as Lending Protocols to Model Risk, Profitability of Attacks as well as Security parameters

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Wardens OSS Club Founder

Founded the OSS Club as an initiative to develop open source software for security researchers

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Interview with Proof of Podcast

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Bug Bounties

- Top 30 C4 - Top 20 Sherlock by Payouts - Top 150 on Immunefi Multiple undisclosed high severities

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Interview with Andy Li

Alex shares stories from his early career and freelancing days to how he got into web3. Giving business advice and an inside look on internal security practices.

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Educator - DeFi

I hosted multiple Hackathons for Badger, in which I taught students how to code DeFi strategies

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OP Contest on Sherlock

I placed top 10 on Sherlock, finding multiple unique findings (some of which were deemed Low Severity but implemented) I was invited to Judge the Follow up contest

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Findings count

High Risk


Medium Risk


Low Risk




Worked with


Security Researchers

The first marketplace for web3 security. We've aggregated the security talent and solutions so you don't have to.



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