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Smart contract and protocol engineer since 2017 with a focus on testing, correctness and security


Chris is an engineer and researcher with more than a decade working with clients meeting their technical needs. He jumped into evm and solidity based work in 2017 after being part of the first ConsenSys Academy cohort. Since then he has lead green field start up projects and worked on large protocols. Notably he has worked at ConsenSys Mesh, Maker Foundation during the launch of MCD and later as a Senior Protocol Engineer at MakerDAO.

Security, safety, testing and correctness have been major themes throughout his blockchain career. He has been the lead point of contact for auditors and bug hunters and been a senior security researcher on several client security assessments. He has spoken at EthDenver and TruffleCon on the importance of testing and security in smart contract engineering. In his free time, he has competed in and won several hackathons and was in the first fifty addresses to complete the original Ethernaut capture the flag competition.

Recent engagements


27 Jun 2024 - 02 Jul 2024


12 Feb 2024 - 13 Feb 2024

Base paymaster

25 Oct 2023 - 27 Oct 2023

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