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Fuzzing specialist. ASR at Spearbit. Founder of Perimeter guild.

Rappie is the Founder, CTO, and Lead Fuzzing Specialist at Perimeter, an Associate Security Researcher at Spearbit, and active in Bug Bounty on Immunefi.

As a security researcher, he specializes in fuzzing EVM-based smart contracts.

Beyond his professional roles, Rappie is an active member of the fuzzing community, contributing to its growth through various initiatives, including maintaining a List of Public Fuzzing Campaigns.


Rappie found some extremely subtle behaviors in our code that many others missed. He not only uses the cutting edge of multiple fuzzing engines, but also helps shape how these fuzzers are built. We've been delighted to use his mastery to make our contracts more secure.

Rappie went above and beyond to deeply understand our protocol and cover all the edge cases. His experience and knowledge about the art of fuzzing is unparalleled. Overall he is an incredible security expert, we certainly will be returning to him with our future smart contracts.

Fuzzing & Security Research

ProtocolEngagement TypeCompletedReportCode
PrivateFuzzing Specialist during Spearbit Security Review2024-05
Origin ProtocolPerimeter Fuzzing Engagement2024-05ReportCode
PrivatePerimeter Fuzzing Engagement2024-04
PrivateFuzzing Specialist during Spearbit Security Review2024-03
Drips NetworkPerimeter Fuzzing Engagement2024-01Code<br>
Drips NetworkFuzzing Specialist during Spearbit Security Review2023-11Report<br>
PrivatePerimeter Fuzzing Engagement2023-11
Origin ProtocolFuzzing Engagement2023-09Code
Origin ProtocolFuzzing & Audit2023-03Report

External Links

Don't hesitate to contact me with questions, discussions, or business requests.

  • X: rappie_eth
  • Discord: rappie
  • Telegram: @rappenstein
  • Cantina: Rappie

Security portfolio


Reproducing Rari Finance Hack

Reproduction of the Rari Finance hack using Echidna

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OETHVault Fuzzing Campaign

Fuzzing campaign for the Origin Protocol OETHVault

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OUSD Fuzzing Campaign

Fuzzing campaign for the Origin Protocol OUSD token

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Drips Fuzzing Campaign

Fuzzing Campaign and Spearbit Security Review for Drips Network

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OETHVault Fuzzing Report

Report for the Origin Protocol OETHVault fuzzing campaign

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Security Researchers

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