Make securing code as simple as possible

Cantina Code is our platform designed to make your security review experience efficient. It's the platform of choice for security-conscious teams.

screenshot of Cantina Code

Findings Dashboard

Take a comprehensive bird's eye view of all findings, comments, and much more in a live continuous windowpane view.

screenshot of Cantina

Cantina Assistant

Deploy our AI assistant on your code, allowing researchers access to all the information they need to get started - and in turn, reducing the bandwidth required from your team.

screenshot of AI Assistant

Reputation Score

Quickly assess researcher submissions with a reputation score that reflects their proven track record, making it easier to manage findings and ignore spam, especially during bug bounties.

fellow avatar


Pings reduce the opportunity for spam by limiting the number of @project tags a researcher has during an engagement based on their reputation level.

screenshot of comment input in Cantina


Get alerts for every crucial piece of information you need to know, straight to your dashboard.

example notification from Cantinaexample notification from Cantina
example notification from Cantinaexample notification from Cantina
example notification from Cantinaexample notification from Cantina


Add filters to your search by severity, author, or custom labels to find exactly what you're looking for.

screenshot of filters in Cantina


Common actions deserve corresponding hotkeys to make your life easier.



Quickly navigate and assess submissions with an intuitive command bar.


Mark as confirmed

Confirm valid submissions instantly with a single click.


Mark as duplicate

Quickly mark a finding as duplicate.


Mark as rejected

Reject invalid submissions with ease.

Create findings

We've simplified and systematized the findings submission process, saving time for both researchers and projects.

screenshot of create finding featurescreenshot of create finding feature

Try it for yourself.
