Dominating the Security Landscape

In 2024, Cantina had a huge year—and you were all part of it. By the numbers, we hosted a whopping  46 public security competitions alongside  12 private competitions for top-tier crypto protocols. The total prize pool up for grabs across these events? Check this out:

  •   $10.5 million USDC  
  •   154,158 OP tokens  
  •   150,000 GHO  

Surfacing Critical Vulnerabilities at Scale

Our community of elite white hat researchers uncovered a mountain of findings in 2024. By the  numbers:

  •   1,259 Highs  
  •   1,598 Mediums  
  •   2,061 Lows  
  •   1,343 Informationals  

Each of these findings have contributed to fortifying the security of web3 infrastructure—and securing billions in assets.

Expanding Our Influential Community

These efforts had a big impact. Cantina welcomed  3,230 new members to our growing community in 2024. Drawn to our reputation in the security space, each of these researchers has played a vital role in our mission.

Cementing Our Position as the Premier Web3 Security Marketplace

We're humbled and inspired by the impressive dedication of our community. Their tireless work has helped protect billions in user assets, prevented countless exploits, and strengthened the foundations of the decentralized economy as a whole.

Powering Ahead in 2025 and Beyond

In our minds, our journey’s really just beginning. We’ve got big things in mind for the year ahead to push the boundaries of what's possible in web3 security. This year, we launched the largest  competition at 2.35M and  bug bounty at 15.5M, both with Uniswap. With an ever-expanding slate of public and private competitions, bug bounties, and reviews, we're committed to safeguarding and expanding the crypto ecosystem.

To all of our security partners and researchers—thank you for being a part of our incredible story. Your trust and support have been instrumental in our success. And who knows what records we’ll break together in 2025?

Cheers to an even more secure and prosperous new year!

Secure Your Protocol Today

Spearbit and Cantina are your go-tos for comprehensive end-to-end security. Looking to secure your protocol? Let’s talk. We can have a full quote turned around for you within 24 hours, catered exactly to your project’s needs. Request a quote  here .