New findings list
We’ve updated the list of findings so that it’s more organized and visible. You can now enjoy a better overview of each finding’s status and labels. We know this is a big change, so let us know how you feel about it!
Emoji Reactions
Comments just got a lot more expressive! We've added emoji reactions to help you acknowledge and respond to comments quickly, all in a single click. And for fans of Easter eggs—try holding CMD while the emoji picker is open for a fun lil’ surprise from our mascot.
Custom Labels in Private Reviews
We're giving researchers more control over how they organize findings. In private reviews, you can now create your own custom labels to organize and categorize your work exactly how you want it. Set up your own classification system and manage findings in a way that makes sense for your workflow.
What's Next?
We're always working to make Cantina better. These updates came directly from your feedback—so keep it coming.
Also, we wanted to remind you about our product portal! This is where you can submit and vote on features under review.
Have additional thoughts on these new features or more ideas for what's next?